I just placed an order, can I cancel it?
Unfortunately, once an order has been submitted, we are unable to cancel it. We do not offer exchanges. If you have purchased the wrong size, you will need to repurchase the correct size, and we will process a refund for the incorrect order. Please email info@palve.shop within 30 minutes of your order to ensure your refund is processed correctly.

I only received one of the items in my order, where is the rest?
Web orders may be shipped from multiple warehouses. If you only received part of your order, don’t worry—you’ll receive tracking information for the remaining items as they ship.

I did not receive an order confirmation, but my card was charged. What should I do?
Order confirmations are sent immediately after completing your purchase. If you haven’t received one but your card has been charged, please email info@palve.shop. Be sure to save your order number for reference.

When will I receive my shipping confirmation?
For domestic orders, you should receive a shipping confirmation email within 7-10 business days of your purchase. International orders will also receive a shipping confirmation within 7-10 business days. If you haven’t received it, please check your spam folder.

I made two orders today. Can you combine them into one and refund the difference?
Unfortunately, we are unable to combine multiple orders into one shipment.

I emailed customer service, how long will it take them to respond?
Our customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday. Please allow 2-3 business days for a response.

Which countries do you ship to?
Palve ships globally.